A Brief History Of The Soup Peddler

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From an early age, the Soup Peddler demonstrated an interest in gourmet cooking, a precocious knack for style, and an undeniable sense of ease with the camera.

He was brought up on canned soup for much of his life and felt that something important was missing...

Many years later, while visiting Mexico, he ate a particularly spicy bowl of menudo...

That night, a compelling dream about soup swam through his sub-conscious...

Over the course of that fitful night, he underwent a dangerous synaptic and cellular transformation. He awoke to find himself changed into...

The Soup Peddler!!!

He cooked and biked furiously, like a man on a mission...

His experimental and fun-loving approach to soup-making won him many devotees...

Soon, the Austin media found him out and began to spread the story of this strange man in South Austin...

People began to clamor for the now highly-prized limited edition soups...

Frenzied Austinites tried to bribe the Soup Peddler to include them in his weekly deliveries...

They attempted all manner of strange and desperate entreaty...

This was a time when people's lives were wrought by a world complicated by endless food choices...

Plagued by the need for time-saving sustenance...

Yet aching for a return to the purity and simplicity of pastoral and old-fashioned goodness...

The Soup Peddler's service helped people cut through the bull of the food marketing machine...

Helped them find a calm center to the spiraling worries and tribulations of their lives...

Children were once again happy...

People danced in the streets...

Drunks once again saw eye to eye on the things that really mattered...

And Austin, Texas lived happily ever after!