Hemp Milk Now Available At Soup Peddler

What is hemp milk?

Hemp milk is a delightful, nutrient-rich beverage made from ground hemp seeds. Some people are concerned that there may be some residual THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in the hemp milk they consume. Others are concerned that there is not enough residual THC in the hemp milk they consume. Sadly, for the latter group, the hemp milk-based smoothie is not going to be a good source of mind-expanding chemical compounds.


Health benefits?

The internet says that hemp milk is a great vegan source for omega-3 and 6 and essential amino acids. One random website I found says that it’s a great source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus (which is great for your lawn). Another reports that it’s well-endowed with B12, which is basically essential to human life and is a bitch to find in plant-based food! If all that is not enough, rest assured that Dr. Oz loves hemp milk.

Why did Soup Peddler start offering hemp milk as an add-in?

The Soup Peddler himself felt that hemp milk was the most sustainable and healthful choice to add to the smoothie lubrication arsenal. Since hemp itself is a far more sustainable crop than almonds, we wanted to promote the choice of hemp milk over almond milk.


Which smoothies would taste good with hemp milk?

It has a pronounced nutty and creamy flavor, so we would recommend it in the more savory and less fruity smoothies… think more Green Monster, less Tropicalia.

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