Our Lives Are Circles

The Soup Peddler is thrilled to welcome back a treasured former employee as Executive Chef. His name is Adam Alfter. You see him pictured at right circa 2007 with the late great Leslie Cochran, God rest his soul. Adam is the chef with whom I've shared the closest culinary connection. He was a rather hard-to-tame young buck during his first stint here with the company and we parted ways after a few years. He bounced around the Austin fine dining scene for a while before tucking a sheaf of Soup Peddler recipes into his rucksack and joining another punnily named soup company in Portland, Maine founded by another ex-Soup Peddler chef. He has a deep passion for traditional foodways and is very strong with eclectic flavors and current trending exotic ingredients. It's a new era for us, so you should expect to see some new things coming on the menus both on-line and at the stores. Case in point... next week we have a lovely beer and cheddar soup that he stole back from that soup company in Portland (payback!), made with fresh delicious beer from the Austin Beer Garden Brewery, brewed by Amos Lowe, an original Zilker Soupie from way way back. So many things coming full circle for us... so appropriate this time of year.