No, It Really Is Tuscan

Have I spoken to you much about my love for our Tuscan Polenta Soup? Perhaps the more experienced Soupies amongst you remember it better by its true, Italian, not-terribly-appetizing name: Intruglia. It is one of our kitchen's great works of art, beginning with our painstakingly handmade traditional beef stock, then slow-simmered with polenta and vegetables (the recipe calls for 12 heads of cabbage, which melt away into pure savory delicacy), then finished off with handmade sausage. It is one of the most satisfying one-pot meals that I've ever experienced. I did not actually find this soup in my Tuscan travels, but did spend time in the Garfagnana region which is the origin of this soup. Craggy hilltops upon which are perched painfully beautiful villages, deep ravines, lovely people, and of course amazing food at every turn. Do give this excellent recipe a try.