Migratory Austin

As the summer migration draws to a close, Austinites flock back to their hot feathered nests to roost another year... gone are the days of the good old-fashioned postcard, the preferred "wish you were here" now broadcast with sunset photo instantly to all one's friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends, family, obligatory high school and business contacts. Ne'er will your mom rummage through the kitchen junk drawer to unearth your status update, see the neat old postage stamp (remember when we had a postal service?! Oh, honey, we had a little box on a post out by the street and a little white truck would come by and drop off letters that people wrote to us...), recognize your handwriting and reflect back to the moment you proudly ran into the room and showed how you first wrote your name all by yourself. No, the status update carries none of that power. Let's make a mental note, shall we? A note to send home some postcards next time we vacation. Where was I? Oh yes, the closing of the loop of the summer exodus. Clinging to those quickly fading memories of verdant, cool vacation climes, remembering the sensation of being able to breathe through your whole skin, the frolicking, the merry-making. And then, returning. Bearing witness to the poor remains of your lawn and garden, squinting upward hopefully for a sign of relief, offering a quick prayer of thanks that you don't depend on this damn weather for your food.