I'm Not Complaining, Mind You...

Does anyone else find time to be speeding by this year? We're certainly gratified that the summer has taken it's sweet old time coming around. I was enjoying what felt like an October breeze on the afternoon of July 6, and it almost made me long for the hot summer wind. I haven't been driven out of desperation to the springs... I haven't developed my usual case of cabin fever... an evening bike ride is still well within the realm of reason, and it makes me feel like something is missing. There is little ammunition for complaint this year, the ties that bind us are loosened, our very identity as suffering Austinites is disintegrating. Luckily, the incessant rain gives us some replacement fodder for conversation, and yet it seems wrong, we feel like Seattilians or some other breed. People still crave and enjoy our soup, which sucks the very essence of my seasonal affective disorder away from me. When normally I would be known to hang my head low in lamentation for these months, I can only brush off friends' habitual commiseration with a "well, no, actually, business is doing just fine." Soup Peddler staff, who expected me to be a shuddering wreck like last summer, seem almost quizzical at my easygoing spirit nowadays. The kitchen isn't nearly the cauldron of hellfire that it rightfully should be this time of year, and it just leaves us all sort of mildly happy, in that sweet, quasi-lobotomized Austin springtime way.

For those of you keeping track, yes, you now find yourself reading my complaints of having no complaints. Welcome to this particular apse in the cathedral of my neuroses. Discuss amongst yourselves. Have a nice day!