A fine kettle of fish

Last Sunday, I had the distinct pleasure of demonstrating one of my favorite soups in the world, the classic "soupe de poisson", which sounds fancy in a French accent but really just translates to "soup of fish." This took place at East Austin's well-loved Boggy Creek Farm, whose proprietress Carol Ann Sayle writes some really wonderful stories in her weekly emails. Anyways, those hardcore Soupies that attended the event, underneath threatening skies, got to see and taste one of the world's great soups, which is rarely found this side of the pond. They would have been able to taste more, had we not spilled the five gallon bucket of the prepared soup en route to the event... which drained neatly from our truck bed, leaving a quarter mile long stripe of soupe de poisson on E. 7th St.

You can see a few more pictures here and may download the handouts and recipe in their entirety here. You will eventually be quizzed on this material.

I would like to reiterate again, once more that we'd love to see your contribution to the 2006 Soupie Cookbook soon, as the deadline looms... please help us make this a reality. We've got the book store, the artist, the printer, the beneficiaries, and now all we need is you to send in your family recipes (specifications may be found here) by mail, by leaving them in your cooler for us to pick up, or bringing them by the shop. Please help us with this fun project, please.

The lovely, the talented Southpaw Jones, poet laureate of the Soupies, brings us another episode of "Music By Which To Eat Soup," this week addressing the challenging theme of pumpkin soup. Listen here. To get a handle on the inner workings of this freakishly talented songwriter's brain, please visit www.southpawjones.net.