Recipe... for...

I was at my local HEB the other day and heard a person behind me say to his phone, "Recipe for green... bean... casserole." And I have to be honest, my first few thoughts were uncharitable. "How far have we fallen as a species that someone could not know how to stir together some cream of mushroom soup with green beans and top it with Durkee's onions and stick it in the oven?" It's almost like saying, "Recipe for peanut butter... and jelly... sandwich." And I thought, "Thank goodness that Steve Jobs was born so that this guy wouldn't have to make a separate trip to the library and look up the recipe in a card catalog and find the Dewey decimal number, go down the aisle to find that the cookbook was already checked out, then have to go to the basement and get the assistant librarian to pull out the right microfiche and turn on the machine that smelled like roasting dust-bunnies and roll through the fiche and re-focus the lens to find that someone had cut out the recipe before it was scanned." But I recovered myself and tuned my thoughts to a less ironic frequency. And I thought to myself, "By golly, we are offering our amazing cream of mushroom soup to our customers next week! I'll have to get them the recipe!" So I turned to my phone and said, "Phone..." And by golly, I found that there's a little more to the official green bean casserole recipe than I thought.

RamblingsDavid Ansel