Population Density

Good morning! If you're up reading this email now, you probably didn't attend our fair city's premiere live music event yesterday... perhaps you are planning to bottom-feed on next week's unsold ticket inventory, or if you're like me, you are cheap and misanthropic enough to only take in the event from the comfort of your own canoe, moored just off Zilker Park, stocked only with the company and comestibles and imbibables of your own choosing. Sure, you don't get to actually see the performers, but on the upside you don't have to smell the crowd. If you happen to have highly-developed olfactories like an expert soupmaker, you understand the advantage. Moreover, though the food and drink options at the fairgrounds are admittedly impressive, it is impossible therein to enjoy the sounds of, say, The Cure, while sipping a pernod and snacking on duck liver mousse while being lulled to reverie by the undulations of Ladybird Lake's little wavelets. But we all make our choices in life. Some of us prefer to choke on airborne Dillo-dirt, to be showered with the sweat of passing crowdsurfers, to pay hundreds of dollars for the honor of suffering the myriad ignominies of such unthinkable population density in exchange for the opportunity to watch a live performance on oversized televisions... Perhaps I'm just aging gracelessly...

RamblingsDavid Ansel